


欧美飙歌擂台赛 今日: 0|主题: 152

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投票 [调查] 彪歌比赛中你最希望所选歌曲的风格  ...234 azurelucid 2009-6-13 3914769 jone.c 2022-11-15 01:23:05
本版置顶 [公告] 『※欧美第5期飈歌获奖者名单※』  ...23 美国甜心 2006-11-10 2911475 LUCIAKEIGO 2011-3-4 11:04:59
本版置顶 [公告] ◆欧美飙歌擂台奖项制度◆ 美国甜心 2006-10-30 55634 as5333 2011-8-4 13:52:52
本版置顶 [公告] ★欧美飙歌擂台参赛制度及版规★[发贴必看]★  ...2 美国甜心 2006-10-30 108110 刺鸟不乖 2011-11-27 10:27:00
[公告] 欧美歌曲伴奏专卖...有意者请加QQ:1623826115 xiuhaoran123 2011-11-6 01064 xiuhaoran123 2011-11-6 18:16:25
[飙歌] 合作翻唱adele someone like you attachment 倩崽 2011-10-21 52034 zydxyy 2011-12-28 00:39:29
[飙歌] 【欧美飙歌】女声版的Drowning attachment 蓝乐 2011-9-12 42221 虾虾 2011-12-8 08:19:17
[飙歌] 男版someone like you···倾情滴哟~ attachment jzl7223658 2011-7-14 94243 alexeil 2011-12-22 12:19:52
[飙歌] 自己录的come on get higher~ attachment YUGUO5151527 2011-6-30 21509 梅子123456789 2011-8-26 13:39:35
[飙歌] you belong with me - 翻唱 狸猫 attach_img  ...2 minyumaomi 2011-6-19 124045 alexeil 2011-12-22 12:18:19
[飙歌] someone like you---Adele attachment  ...2 tutuzi66 2011-5-18 193664 jp4ever 2011-11-12 19:12:30
[飙歌] 一个唱得很烂的歌 Seven days 我会继续努力的,希望大家多给点意见 attachment 游龙 2011-4-14 72229 梅子123456789 2011-8-26 14:00:25
[飙歌] No more 用的最傻瓜软件 小弟不才 不喜勿喷 纯分享~ attachment  ...2 wswwgb3111111 2011-4-12 175005 wswwgb3111111 2011-12-20 23:10:49
[飙歌] fly me to the moon 用的最傻瓜软件 小弟不才 不喜勿喷 纯分享~ attachment wswwgb3111111 2011-4-12 83223 wswwgb3111111 2011-12-20 23:10:24
[飙歌] ][欧美飙歌]升1KEY挑战美国铁心乐队-Angel eyes attachment BMW张羽 2011-4-9 31655 88178404@qq.com 2011-11-17 22:21:50
[飙歌] 随便翻唱了下yeah 3x attachment 425522 2011-3-23 72191 baiyuncould 2011-10-24 13:02:15
[飙歌] 咱来首F*ck you(Forget you) attachment  ...2 剪刀手爱杰克 2011-3-6 103542 xue8013 2011-12-16 10:43:00
[飙歌] Tim Mcgrew --- Taylor Swift attachment  ...2 IngridSV 2011-1-30 113568 梅子123456789 2011-8-26 13:24:53
[飙歌] 翻唱 nelly的just a dream 不好听请见谅咯~ attachment  ...2 122375951 2011-1-25 123787 richardjyd 2011-11-23 12:30:00
[飙歌] 翻唱The Eagles- Hotel California attachment  ...2 trueblue22 2011-1-10 102821 梅子123456789 2011-8-26 12:42:04
[飙歌] [歐美飈歌]My life would suck without you attachment 圣雨轻纱 2010-12-30 42181 zhengwenxuan 2011-12-21 18:24:38
[飙歌] 2年前录得了,2年后重返网络~放上来看看~when u say nothing at all attachment kezaixing 2010-12-21 62509 fanfan703 2011-2-28 14:58:30
[飙歌] 第一次翻唱MC【i stay in love】不会录音 盼高人指点! attachment heatlevel  ...234 小p化妆师 2010-12-13 317507 给我一支香烟 2011-12-16 00:12:07
[飙歌] [欧美飚歌] - fly me to the moon - diyerlee attachment diyerlee 2010-12-7 21601 鱼赤 2010-12-15 11:48:04
[飙歌] 【speak now---Taylor Swift】很喜欢. attachment  ...2 IngridSV 2010-11-28 183813 88178404@qq.com 2011-11-17 22:24:46
[飙歌] Just a dream --- Nelly (女版) attachment heatlevel  ...23456 IngridSV 2010-10-31 519023 88178404@qq.com 2011-11-17 21:09:25
[飙歌] [飙歌]Alicia Keys 《If I Aint Got You》 男版!!第一次发。 attachment heatlevel  ...23 eminem639 2010-10-29 237575 xue8013 2011-12-16 10:40:12
[飙歌] [翻唱]Collin Raye_Love,Me~~最近超喜欢这个歌 attachment hys19890408 2010-10-3 01547 hys19890408 2010-10-3 18:37:13
[飙歌] Mad world用的是老版伴奏··· attachment  ...2 tutuzi66 2010-9-18 124528 亚瑟 2011-12-19 03:01:41
[飙歌] BLUE BOY - JIM REEVES attach_img godmaycry 2010-9-11 21843 godmaycry 2010-9-14 13:43:08
[飙歌] Home - Jim Reeves attach_img godmaycry 2010-9-11 42266 xue8013 2011-12-16 10:44:51
[飙歌] angel··天使之城······ attachment tutuzi66 2010-8-26 12086 lys01 2010-9-26 16:12:41
[飙歌] [欧美飙歌]Thank you attachment  ...2 mnmarina 2010-8-11 103007 88178404@qq.com 2011-11-17 21:00:02
[飙歌] [欧美飙歌]anytime attachment mnmarina 2010-8-11 11538 initialb 2010-8-18 06:20:24
[飙歌] Russian Roulette attachment  ...2 mnmarina 2010-8-11 113584 ashelybaby 2011-9-27 09:00:05
[飙歌] [欧美飙歌]to be loved attachment mnmarina 2010-8-11 72221 peitiecong 2011-9-10 13:26:11
[飙歌] [歐美飈歌] - Listen - 圣雨轻纱 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 圣雨轻纱 2010-8-10 439391 xue8013 2011-12-24 17:06:07
[飙歌] 翻唱MC《i stay in love》表打我额…… 小p化妆师 2010-8-2 62256 3366 2010-10-26 12:28:58
[飙歌] 翻下P!nk的老歌trouble attachment  ...2 tutuzi66 2010-8-1 134529 xue8013 2011-12-16 10:43:32
[飙歌] [欧美飙歌]Beyonce《Summertime》第一次传歌。望大家指点。 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 BlairD 2010-7-26 4510787 shibodi 2011-12-18 12:49:47

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