


韩语翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 2759

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] Hush - Miss A attachment lynnalynna 2013-12-29 51648 strongm0002 2017-12-7 14:03:53
[翻唱] 像中枪一样 attachment 叶子纷′飞 2013-12-28 3961 strongm0002 2017-11-29 10:22:23
[翻唱] 少女时代TTS-Twinkle 拜版贴~请给予爱的鞭策哈哈哈 attachment 一味桑 2013-12-28 91890 strongm0002 2017-12-4 07:57:54
[翻唱] barbarbar-Crayon Pop(男版) attachment  ...2 tatasmx_622 2013-12-26 113254 酒吞童子 2020-11-13 18:12:29
[翻唱] 10 Minutes-李孝利(自己和音版,TO.ZH) attachment  ...2 韩小露 2013-12-24 102786 strongm0002 2017-11-30 10:50:30
[翻唱] 링가 링가 Ringa Linga - Tae Yang attach_img loeb 2013-12-18 62669 strongm0002 2017-12-4 14:39:14
[翻唱] run devil run--少女时代 attachment L、潤潤ぷ 2013-12-17 41311 strongm0002 2017-12-5 04:39:27
[翻唱] T-ara--day by day attachment L、潤潤ぷ 2013-12-17 71621 strongm0002 2017-12-5 18:48:08
[翻唱] 日与夜 t-ara&gavy nj 翻唱 attachment 我是一个粉刷匠 2013-12-15 31749 strongm0002 2017-12-6 09:23:20
[翻唱] G-Dragon 【니가 뭔데】Who You 练到差点咬舌自尽的Rap。。。 attach_img  ...2 coolan 2013-12-15 166880 shizik2 2018-12-13 15:15:06
[翻唱] 伤痕 屋塔房王世子OST attachment 纯情小火鸡。 2013-12-12 62275 酒吞童子 2021-8-4 21:04:08
[翻唱] Ailee_U&I(完整版) attachment Cathy2010 2013-12-10 42195 strongm0002 2017-12-6 09:40:15
[翻唱] Ringa Linga—太阳fromB.B.(女汉纸的自己和音版= =) attachment  ...2 韩小露 2013-12-9 163795 strongm0002 2017-11-30 08:40:35
[翻唱] Ailee-U&I attachment Cathy2010 2013-12-3 11427 strongm0002 2017-11-29 10:00:47
[翻唱] 翻唱1,2,3,4。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 attachment 殺手 2013-12-3 2947 strongm0002 2017-11-29 10:05:04
[翻唱] 唱下《想你》的插曲《眼泪落下》 attachment diky36 2013-11-30 71759 strongm0002 2017-12-4 13:30:59
[翻唱] 朴完奎-千年之爱(“死了都要爱”韩语原版) attachment  ...2 站在雪中的我 2013-11-27 164433 酒吞童子 2019-2-26 11:09:33
[翻唱] 햇살 좋은 날 阳光灿烂的日子(Feat. 이상곤 of 노을) - 金在中 attach_img loeb 2013-11-23 32026 bluemountainr 2021-5-11 18:17:50
[翻唱] I Don't Understand - Bigbang attach_img loeb 2013-11-18 42270 酒吞童子 2021-4-3 21:19:38
[翻唱] 翻唱 T-araN4 -전원일기/田园日记 (feat. 이단옆차기 & 태운) attachment 殺手 2013-11-13 31349 strongm0002 2017-11-29 07:32:38
[翻唱] Let's Talk About Love - 胜利(BigBang) 啊哈,终于完工了...... attach_img loeb 2013-10-30 32131 strongm0002 2017-12-4 13:18:11
[翻唱] T-ara - No. 9 티아라-넘버나인 (Cover by Benson) attachment yinyin80124 2013-10-25 21729 strongm0002 2017-12-12 16:36:38
[翻唱] all alone - 金在中 话说好久没录在在的歌了!~ attach_img loeb 2013-10-24 41523 strongm0002 2017-12-1 23:05:53
[翻唱] 我又来拜版了- -|||这次翻唱一首2NE1的I LOVE YOU...后期要做死我,和声要录死我了哇。。。。 attachment  ...2 殺手 2013-10-18 114701 酒吞童子 2021-6-17 20:46:15
[翻唱] R.O.D. - G-Dragon(Feat. Lydia Paek) attach_img loeb 2013-10-14 61705 strongm0002 2017-11-29 10:11:57
[翻唱] Gotta Talk To You - 胜利 attach_img loeb 2013-10-13 11074 strongm0002 2017-11-29 10:43:09
[翻唱] 填词翻唱《24小时都不够》粤语版-男生版 attachment heatlevel  ...234 seeviacai 2013-10-10 337072 strongm0002 2017-11-26 09:17:09
[翻唱] 翻一首好旧的1TYM的HOT(中文填词) attachment seeviacai 2013-10-3 22517 strongm0002 2017-12-6 19:03:42
[翻唱] galaxy supernova attachment jet-fat 2013-9-24 21516 strongm0002 2017-12-7 10:07:22
[翻唱] 朴正炫 — Mermaid attachment dujuan8265 2013-9-21 42223 strongm0002 2017-12-12 16:08:26
[翻唱] 阿萨 撒啊 凡事都是的vgs 2013-9-20 11637 strongm0002 2017-12-6 21:32:17
[原创] 阿萨发给萨嘎 凡事都是的vgs 2013-9-20 11851 strongm0002 2017-12-12 15:18:18
[原创] 萨嘎萨嘎外公 凡事都是的vgs 2013-9-20 11645 strongm0002 2017-12-1 11:13:56
[翻唱] EXO - 狼与美女(Wolf)中文版 Hyukmi 2013-9-18 42161 strongm0002 2017-11-29 07:35:23
[翻唱] 为了你—任宰范 Emperor丶小朝 翻了个番~ attachment  ...2 Empero小朝 2013-9-17 114026 strongm0002 2017-12-7 12:44:52
[翻唱] 【自填词】night sky(原曲Ailee-《Evening Sky》) attachment 八神樱吹雪 2013-9-10 62160 strongm0002 2017-12-4 14:14:45
[翻唱] 玉珠炫 - 不能说爱你 (男声版) attach_img TDLC 2013-9-9 11133 strongm0002 2017-12-1 22:43:25
[翻唱] SS501 - 因为我太傻 attachment TDLC 2013-9-4 92893 酒吞童子 2021-8-15 22:08:53
[翻唱] outsider-孤独的(외톨이,单身汉) attachment ziweijiang 2013-9-1 81776 strongm0002 2017-12-1 09:29:07
[翻唱] 原KEY唱《招待》中文填词版 attachment seeviacai 2013-8-25 11894 strongm0002 2017-12-1 11:25:38

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