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日语翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 7571

版主: Jalam, weepclouds


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[翻唱] [Animelo Summer 2011][RAINBOW] 22人大合唱 attachment digest recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 cenjl 2011-9-23 249077 boroboro88 2011-10-12 16:01:11
[翻唱] Loop In My Heart - m-flo loves EMYLI & YOSHIKA 缅怀wei老师的青葱岁月。。 attachment recommend  ...2 Jalam 2011-9-23 114630 wei6219047 2011-9-28 11:49:56
[翻唱] ロビンソン-Spitz-突然来了兴致啊据说标题要长---------- attachment recommend  ...2 alucardray 2011-6-4 104969 zhongchun1984 2014-11-5 00:43:19
[翻唱] [宇多田ヒカル][Prisoner of love]我知道我炒冷饭了||| attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 Jalam 2011-4-30 7021964 strongm0002 2019-7-24 19:17:42
[翻唱] 想い出がいっぱい(满是回忆)偶尔怀旧治愈一下……(终于又有可以过来发的了 attachment recommend 香蕉暴风雪 2011-1-21 83588 Jalam 2011-1-28 00:12:11
[翻唱] BoA-紧紧拥抱 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 zi-ca 2011-1-13 103903 张井空 2012-9-17 17:28:15
[翻唱] 翻唱Akiko-【I miss you】 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 xixicy 2011-1-13 248114 夕京 2023-9-14 16:34:22
[翻唱] [安室奈美惠][Baby don't cry]堂堂生日快乐=333= 圣诞啦 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 rinka 2010-12-16 144740 拉克丝·克莱因 2011-6-1 16:41:23
[翻唱] GENIE (Japanese CLUB ver.) (大喵 X 冥月) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 Jalam 2010-11-29 349866 kotokoyzy 2011-1-16 09:41:23
[翻唱] 月光 ~GOD‘S CHILD~ feat.珉贤(原唱:Soulja&鬼束千寻) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 八神樱吹雪 2010-11-25 4113904 strongm0002 2019-7-30 17:24:20
[翻唱] ひとつぶの涙--Kiroro(《原谅》的原版) attachment recommend cmm 2010-11-23 21476 铃木洋晃 2010-11-24 09:43:56
[翻唱] JUJU - 明日がくるなら feat.凌☆紫缘 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 vbless 2010-11-21 6120768 zwy810905 2015-6-27 21:36:14
[翻唱] 灌篮高手-君が好きだと叫びたい(冬天了 热乎热乎吧) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 beastdooyan 2010-11-14 4413239 strongm0002 2019-7-22 14:03:48
[翻唱] 【合体】BIRD-黑执事第二季ED Feat.Billdisc attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 八神樱吹雪 2010-11-13 3810793 shiaka 2010-12-24 15:06:43
[翻唱] 【Hikki】come back to me...这歌到底算啥翻唱OTL attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 weepclouds 2010-11-6 267974 遥望 2013-2-19 15:18:30
[翻唱] 「无头骑士异闻录デュラララ!!」OP「裏切りの夕焼け」,我终于把这歌录掉了 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 宝井厳 2010-11-5 236116 strongm0002 2017-12-22 07:24:00
[翻唱] [高达蛋蛋][石川智晶][もう何も怖くない、怖くはない]好久不见这里是哪里我是新人你们好 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 冥月の翼 2010-11-3 227198 kaiyiping 2012-2-25 15:21:50
[翻唱] 【けいおん!!】【YO, Thank You!】匍匐前来拜坛 attachment recommend yuzuru 2010-11-1 62212 riderchips 2010-11-23 20:16:37
[翻唱] Radwimps バイマイサイ 请用力吐槽 attachment recommend 白菜锅 2010-10-24 32172 忧伤的大白菜 2013-4-5 12:58:12
[翻唱] 翼をください Happy birthday to kirakame~=3= attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 Jalam 2010-10-22 246160 你有周 2013-8-27 14:02:07
[翻唱] 時代 - 中岛美雪 感谢与纪念。。。 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 Jalam 2010-10-16 329582 唐安娜 2012-2-5 23:28:37
[翻唱] 从初三到大三-------------我的晓之车 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 舒良 2010-10-10 298893 omichan 2010-12-10 16:44:37
[翻唱] Raphael-秋风狂诗曲。。国庆偷着录。。 attachment recommend  ...2 绞刑之夜 2010-10-2 103763 VEN 2010-11-11 23:55:51
[翻唱] Possibility - BOA & 三浦大知 - TC & Sisam attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...2345 唐棠初 2010-9-19 4214340 rubino666 2013-7-18 10:56:31
[翻唱] 挑战德永英明高音<雪の华>~! attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 天琴座 2010-9-18 175698 fred360 2012-12-2 17:19:02
[翻唱] 轻音二期ED2[No, Thank You!] attachment recommend 水缘无忆 2010-9-16 82394 dennishxf 2014-1-8 23:50:05
[翻唱] 《君をのせて》全人声清唱和声版 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 水曜日 2010-9-16 298572 gn1920669 2011-11-4 16:07:48
[翻唱] [中岛美嘉][一番綺麗な私を]好久不唱了。。。 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 吾恩 2010-9-6 236747 ゛玖籣、优姬﹏ 2010-11-9 21:18:31
[翻唱] 好久么来发歌了【え?あぁ、そう。】其实我也不知道原唱是谁 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23 宝井厳 2010-9-6 246567 xt555876 2010-11-19 15:09:45
[翻唱] 【crystal企划第一弹】REALOVE:REALIFE 【凌∞水縁無憶∞V∞組長】 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 凌☆紫缘 2010-8-31 145402 凌☆紫缘 2010-9-4 21:41:39
[翻唱] [Animelo Summer 2010][evolution ~for beloved one~] 23人大合唱 attachment digest recommend heatlevel  ...23 cenjl 2010-8-28 249728 wen. 2010-9-14 18:10:11
[翻唱] 【HB】Friend - Stephanie ( 高达oo的片尾曲 ) to海翼 attachment recommend 734384097 2010-8-27 52987 Justgo93 2011-8-30 21:09:42
[翻唱] NYC - Jalam х 湯幻月 XSKXSKXSK attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 Jalam 2010-8-20 184890 甜蜜琳 2010-9-3 06:47:16
[翻唱] Seventh Heaven——kalafina (刀&皇) attachment recommend agree KOU 2010-8-20 72504 橘太太 2010-12-5 19:17:59
[翻唱] [Dreams come true]LAT.43°N~forty-three degrees north latitude~房选妹妹僧日快乐!【补】 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 Jalam 2010-8-17 176006 strongm0002 2017-12-23 18:57:10
[翻唱] 【Get Myself Back】- 安室奈美惠 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 missyuyi 2010-7-27 226093 sogy 2011-1-26 12:10:17
[翻唱] 春よ、来い attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 濑夜 2010-7-18 164444 安可A.C 2010-10-16 14:54:07
[翻唱] 【w-inds.】Forever Memories attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 香蕉暴风雪 2010-6-28 4613377 美夕 2011-2-15 01:54:57
[翻唱] AZU-FOR YOU《火影ED27》 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 八神樱吹雪 2010-6-15 5813031 jy03339269 2010-8-15 01:53:12
[翻唱] [翻唱] [Animelo Summer 2007][Generation-A 2010版] 16人合唱庆ASL六年目,有爱的就是最美的~! attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2 cenjl 2010-5-21 154645 asuka 2010-5-24 21:06:17

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