


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] √抢先视听未做效果的ゞme against the musicゞ attachment  ...2 flyhigh803 2007-7-3 164166 酒吞童子 2021-10-29 15:29:36
[翻唱] FIVE HUNDRED MILES -Justin Timberlake/Carey Mulligan/Stark Sands attachment 猪姆哥 2021-2-14 21375 wswwgb3111111 2021-10-8 10:40:25
[翻唱] Walk Me Hom mandy moore 喜欢mandy attachment  ...2 essa83 2007-7-15 123366 wswwgb3111111 2021-10-8 10:20:02
[翻唱] 自弹自唱: Dan Fogelberg - Longer attachment bridge 2012-3-16 21191 wswwgb3111111 2021-10-8 10:18:50
[翻唱] 《HURT》*男声版再次倾情演绎* hankling 2007-7-11 72066 yzlx1225 2021-9-23 21:03:52
[翻唱] i'm all about u!第一个地址能听  ...2 牛牛Grace 2006-12-26 123885 酒吞童子 2021-7-20 20:28:22
[翻唱] Sia---Titanium(piano version) attach_img  ...23 leungwen 2012-10-24 214834 leungwen 2021-6-6 20:03:31
[翻唱] 哈哈哈哈.大家好.好久不见 attachment pianistpiapia 2007-7-11 31810 酒吞童子 2021-5-28 20:26:08
[翻唱] 要完成度翻唱MARIAH 的《MY ALL》,挑战我低音极限 attachment heatlevel - [回帖奖励 94 ]  ...23456..11 Fighter123 2013-9-17 10919536 死神 2021-4-30 18:59:27
[翻唱] √~~十一大合唱~娘子军版WE WILL ROCK YOU~~OH~YEAH~~ attachment  ...23456..7 heso32 2007-10-6 6715487 南国有小歌 2021-4-26 14:56:50
[翻唱] ◆B.fame.F◆泡泡-来个老歌『Turn Back Time』跑调王道! attachment 泡芙爱猴子 2007-7-6 82299 酒吞童子 2021-4-18 21:38:37
[翻唱] Celine Dion "I Surrender" attachment zihaizi 2009-2-24 52094 Arill 2021-3-16 16:09:00
[翻唱] Find You—Nick Jonas attachment 猪姆哥 2021-2-14 01029 猪姆哥 2021-2-14 20:46:05
[翻唱] [DayT] I'm A Flirt Remix —— R Kelly Feat. T Pain & T.I. attachment agree  ...234 DayT 2009-7-12 325750 一笔飞白 2021-1-30 10:35:55
[翻唱] √★WL.Group★I'm ALL About U-幼齿歌曲,装嫩进行中! attachment  ...2 ant=cos 2007-7-25 164287 酒吞童子 2021-1-26 19:29:09
[翻唱] [翻唱]Here I am--Airsupply attachment  ...2 茂林 2009-7-1 103175 茂林 2021-1-19 17:02:00
[翻唱] CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU-2009年翻唱 attachment V木木 2020-6-18 41296 V木木 2021-1-19 16:37:55
[翻唱] Coat of Many Colors(Shania Twain版) himikomitsui 2007-7-12 21942 酒吞童子 2020-11-27 18:53:06
[翻唱] You Raise Me Up-Westlife 小a attachment agree  ...23456 albert1234 2009-6-21 5612530 bluemountainr 2020-11-18 11:06:05
[翻唱] my all - mariah carey 男声重唱升调版 最高high c,哈哈 attachment boybupt 2020-10-14 11327 bluemountainr 2020-11-18 11:04:27
[翻唱] Sometimes a Prayer will do attachment Franziska 2019-9-10 41712 bluemountainr 2020-11-14 15:50:02
[翻唱] 《Talking To The Moon》-Bruno Mars attachment  ...2 sr19900928 2013-11-14 102451 zuzai 2020-10-19 16:34:29
[翻唱] mariah carey - my all 男声翻唱 attachment boybupt 2019-9-20 62073 boybupt 2020-10-14 13:28:28
[翻唱] So sick attachment  ...2 dgtony1168 2017-6-28 102196 dgtony1168 2020-10-13 22:31:51
[翻唱] COLLIIDE-Howie day(2020翻唱) attachment V木木 2020-6-30 31219 V木木 2020-10-5 15:53:50
[翻唱] CIRCLE OF LIFE-The Lion King(2008翻唱) attachment V木木 2020-6-25 11156 87503896 2020-9-28 00:12:06
[翻唱] run away FT正太----linkin park attachment  ...23 熊猫奶爸 2007-4-12 204367 87503896 2020-9-28 00:10:39
[翻唱] √MJ第二弹!<she is out of my life>动人翻唱~~大家听听看啊 attachment justin1120 2008-6-5 61679 bluemountainr 2020-9-5 14:31:08
[翻唱] NO NO(WESTLIFE)-2007年翻唱 attachment V木木 2020-6-18 11041 bluemountainr 2020-9-5 14:16:00
[翻唱] √【弗兰奇】吓唬人第三波——Close to you 强低音版 attachment  ...2 弗兰奇 2007-3-1 113060 酒吞童子 2020-8-24 15:23:20
[翻唱] Would you please come home(今夜你会不会来)英文版 attachment zengli963 2009-3-28 41717 gaofuzhe 2020-8-4 00:04:06
[翻唱] 吼叫-布兰妮经典 Oops I Did It Again attachment  ...23 annayang 2011-4-27 275705 annayang 2020-7-28 09:21:21
[翻唱] FEELING GOOD-2017唱吧APP翻唱版 attachment V木木 2020-7-4 01064 V木木 2020-7-4 18:31:18
[翻唱] 21 GUNS-GREEN DAY-2017翻唱 attachment V木木 2020-7-3 01131 V木木 2020-7-3 19:39:48
[翻唱] SUGAR-MAROON5-2017 attachment V木木 2020-7-2 01109 V木木 2020-7-2 18:28:11
[翻唱] He Lives in You-THE LION KING II-2014翻唱 attachment V木木 2020-6-25 21144 V木木 2020-7-2 18:21:43
[翻唱] Mariah Carey - Betcha Gon Know (Cover by Aaron磊) attachment Aaron磊 2020-6-30 21315 水晶蝴蝶 2020-7-1 13:17:54
[翻唱] UC现场版的Because of u(斑竹下上传...)  ...2 keacat 2006-12-16 153925 酒吞童子 2020-6-24 15:53:46
[翻唱] SUPERSTAR-2009翻唱 attachment V木木 2020-6-18 0964 V木木 2020-6-18 10:42:32
[翻唱] HERE I AM(AIR SUPPLY)-2007翻唱 attachment V木木 2020-6-17 0852 V木木 2020-6-17 16:34:16

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