


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 【M2M】When I First Saw You (Dreamgirls OST) - Jamie Fox & Beyonce Cover by McBoy & Melodia attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 melodia 2010-7-26 499334 热泪有些盈眶、 2012-8-10 12:46:33
[翻唱] 首帖,男生翻唱一个Whitney Houston Greatest Love of All 钢琴版 attachment recommend lambabe 2013-8-8 41534 lambabe 2013-8-31 22:33:19
[翻唱] 某M唱的不是歌!某M唱的是寂寞!【Loneliness】女声版Babyface cover attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 melodia 2009-9-30 10421196 重口味的歌者 2013-8-1 17:10:39
[翻唱] 花了11个小时做好的 也是自己最爱的了 男生高八度演唱 Britney Spears 2011新专辑 《 I Wanna Go 》 By:殺手 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..7 殺手 2011-4-2 6016010 sweetmina 2012-11-11 19:27:38
[翻唱] rolling in the deep attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..10 gezhongxiaohao0 2011-4-29 9518895 339655583 2012-8-13 11:08:49
[翻唱] 大爱歌曲~ Rolling in the deep~ 请勿拍砖啊``` attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..7 老麻 2011-8-3 6311054 寂蓝 2012-4-17 20:38:40
[翻唱] [吉他acoustic版]Waka Waka - by Mes ft.小幻 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..7 MesC 2010-7-10 6814465 矜持的羙 2011-8-7 13:10:12
[翻唱] 简&赖 - Terrified, 预祝奈奈子高考成功!(Katharine & Jason Cover) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 Jane.tz 2010-6-5 5511864 cql5201 2011-12-16 17:52:34
[翻唱] 【Xianlai Idol复赛】-【Today was a fairy tale】-小啊同学-taylor swift attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 小啊同学 2010-4-16 7611803 devil998899 2011-12-25 03:51:05
[翻唱] 农村歌手转型失败 小阿杰生日快乐 【八头肥鹅】feat. 樱桃姐 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 weepclouds 2010-6-21 325777 zorro66 2011-4-30 14:22:43
[翻唱] 男声版★★★AND I AM TELLING YOU I'M NOT GOING★★★野性重录版本 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..21 zorro66 2010-1-20 20828009 zorro66 2011-10-28 12:54:39
[翻唱] [纯花栗鼠声] Last Christmas - Mes ft. Lomuz & Sisam attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 MesC 2010-7-22 306400 sthwind 2010-12-21 23:06:49
[翻唱] rise n fall( remake) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 soul4flie 2010-2-23 366361 jgjgjg520 2010-11-30 11:43:00
[翻唱] Q - 『Hurt』中邪大亂唱 虎年第一次發瘋 附黑白憋屈小照片兒一張 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 Mu-Q 2010-3-9 5210101 156782763 2010-3-22 21:13:24
[翻唱] 『BNK』Unthinkable (I'm Ready) - Alicia Keys FT.Drake(今年流行伤感) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 Billie.J 2010-4-14 438334 kevinlymon 2014-7-2 00:43:47
[翻唱] 七夕 Fallin' (alicia keys) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 弦外之ào 2010-8-16 5311273 Dawn.DM 2014-4-20 14:33:12
[翻唱] 时隔9年了,再唱《autumn leaves》勾起无限回忆啊! attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 维巍VV 2014-7-27 357324 7984530 2014-11-16 16:02:24
[翻唱] I Could Write A Book 隨性翻唱 attachment recommend  ...2 chur096 2010-8-10 124123 shirleyfox 2017-5-17 16:46:32
[翻唱] Call me maybe attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..11 britneylee 2012-5-3 10123261 05106 2018-2-26 09:29:35
[翻唱] 哈哈~吃螺絲~ joss stone ~ ~ ~ LOVE attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...2 ZoeViya 2010-9-27 154496 m1041116995 2017-1-24 12:13:10
[翻唱] 【We Are One】 by Kelly Sweet (DEMO by Melodia) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 melodia 2010-1-30 7918751 helenshen753159 2018-1-26 19:10:57
[翻唱] 首度尝试经典风骚拉丁歌曲《SWAY》 有些爆麦。该死的设备啊!我是穷人 555 by ZORRO哥 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..13 zorro66 2009-9-22 12821752 flowerlee 2017-8-14 10:05:37
[翻唱] Impossible - Shontelle attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..7 britneylee 2010-12-22 6814403 shirely 2014-7-16 15:47:30
[翻唱] [DayT] Gotta Go - Trey Songz attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 DayT 2010-3-17 235127 orange1900 2015-1-11 14:39:55
[翻唱] Grenade attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..10 ciwei888 2011-3-1 9620035 刘庚铨AceLau 2015-2-24 20:50:40
[翻唱] 我殺汗三回來了!翻唱Katy Perry 2013新单 《 Roar 》 全世界都在咆哮! attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..9 殺手 2013-8-15 8115041 kimoo6 2015-9-28 15:38:28
[翻唱] Moon River - Audrey Hepburn/蒂法尼的早餐 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 Jalam 2010-7-13 378550 jordandongfeng 2015-8-16 13:30:37
[翻唱] ■■■powerless (why)■■■男声版 BY ZORRO attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..14 zorro66 2010-3-1 13518921 zorro66 2011-11-7 22:26:25
[翻唱] 『小奈』Nice n' Easy 小歌一首 布布雷的版本~ attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 Wunai 2010-8-16 275476 kevinlymon 2011-11-14 17:22:10
[翻唱] Joe mcelderry -The climb attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 kotokoyzy 2010-4-9 479196 小Be 2011-7-6 11:27:24
[翻唱] Celine Dion [I`m Alive] attachment recommend Franziska 2013-8-8 21456 Franziska 2013-8-11 21:10:30
[翻唱] M goes on dark side~【Poker Face】吉他版 acoustic attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 melodia 2010-8-8 7815104 bepciara 2012-7-3 22:59:24
[翻唱] moondance attachment recommend  ...2 vocals 2010-4-21 143478 wowhehe 2013-1-23 13:43:29
[翻唱] 【RJ】- Anything (OA: Jojo) 提前祝AZ生日快樂~ attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 kwocenting 2010-6-13 223351 jeffandrewlee 2010-7-12 23:59:18
[翻唱] 翻Nesian Mystik的Prospec--Mac ft. BJ,舒服的旋律+淡淡的悲伤 attachment recommend madongmin520 2010-4-14 71770 weepclouds 2010-4-15 13:49:31
[翻唱] 『BJ&DayT』I WANNA THANK YA - angie stone feat. snoop dogg(时隔1年再次联手合作~) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23 Billie.J 2010-3-25 213987 考拉mp 2010-4-28 19:06:10
[翻唱] LORD - Sisam & TC & Mes - 神之XX歌.. attachment heatlevel  ...2345 唐棠初 2010-3-6 457636 8club 2010-3-19 20:18:00
[翻唱] I see you - music from Avatar,难得休息唱首歌,找首听过的,欢迎拍砖~~ attachment  ...2 小西妙妙 2010-2-27 122739 ivirus 2010-3-18 17:10:15
[翻唱] MC牛姐作品★★★★“can't take that way”★★★★ 翻唱ZORRO哥 欢迎 麻花同学 来抢沙发 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 zorro66 2010-4-17 476216 zorro66 2010-5-17 22:13:14
[翻唱] [DayT] Buddy - Musiq Soulchild (祝阿杰生日快乐) attachment  ...2 DayT 2010-6-20 111826 小啊同学 2010-6-22 21:46:09

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